Short documentary - 17 min - HD/DCP
Production: Box Productions & ECAL
with support from the Federal Office Of Culture & Cineforom
A man releases a huge balloon in the dark night… In the south of France, two men lead us on a strange treasure hunt through crisscrossing roads, armed with GPSes and maps. An observational and absurd road movie, where it is a matter of climbing up trees, celestial explosions and mysterious links between men separated by hundreds of kilometres.
50th Visions Du Réel, CH
Opening Scenes
25th Palm Springs Shortfest, US
Official Selection
31th États Généraux Du Film Documentaire Lussas, FR
Expériences du regard
13th Corsica.Doc, FR
Nouveaux talents
17th Shnit Bern, CH
National competition
10th Oaxaca Filmfest, MEX
New industry selection
Rudnik Debut Documentary Film Festival, RUS
Official selection
Avventure FF, IT
*Best Short Doc
Upcoming Filmmakers, CH
*Public Award
Viva FF Sarajevo, BIH
Newark IFF, US
PLONS!International Short Documentary Film Festival Leeuwarden, NL
International Road Movie Festival Pilsen, CZ
International Moving Film Festival, IRN
Ex Rex, CH
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